Flower Essence Daslook

Aura Protector, Grounded, Here and Now.

Pipette Bottle 10ml. Flower remedy Daslook | Star Remedies
Pipette Bottle 10ml. Flower remedy Daslook
Daslook is the seventh aura protector. In addition to Duizendblad, Turkoois, Bali, Kerspuim, Hosta, Koraalcactus, there is now Daslook. The remedy makes you calm, relaxed, grounded. Gives a sense of space. You are very much in the here and now. You are able to stay very strong with yourself. You get to the core and can stay there. All kinds of “child parts” that you no longer connected to, will be back. The part that lovingly cares for yourself and that you can turn to yourself. To be able to choose your own path. With respect for your own needs. The feeling that everyone is equal and you don’t have to prove yourself. It cleans projections and shit from others that you can sit with. Gives you support and connects to “above”. Simultaneously a humility from the higher self. Gives a safe margin if you look for the subconscious. The environment then also feels ok. You start to live your own arcadian rhythm together with the rhythms of the earth.
Aura Protector, Grounded, Here and Now.
Flower Remedy Daslook 10ml from Star Remedies is available separately here.