Flower Essence Protectie

Aura protector.

Pipette Bottle 10ml. Flower remedy Protectie | Star Remedies
Pipette Bottle 10ml. Flower remedy Protectie
Protection contains the following remedies: Duizendblad, Turkoois, Kerspruim &; Hosta. These are the 4 existing aura protectors. You better stay with yourself and you will no longer be “emptied” by others, you will not take over physical influences or complaints from others, you are shielded from destructive forces and your “non-earthly” fears will disappear and you will no longer be burdened by superstitious predictions. The fear of the dark disappears. The experiences of many people is that they feel completely happy and protected. That their own strength fully recovers. A remedy, which is very important especially in this time. It has been found that there are even 7 direct aura protectors. With highly sensitive people and new age children, it turned out that sometimes too many things could still come in.
Aura protector.
Flower Remedy Protectie 10ml from Star Remedies is available separately here.