Essential 7 - Atlantis 10ml. Seven Essentials

Love and respect for all living things. Releasing what is stuck on a deep level in emotions and associated patterns.

Pipette Bottle 30ml. Flower Essence Essential 7 - Atlantis 10ml. | Star Remedies
Pipette Bottle 30ml. Seven Essential Essence Essential 7 - Atlantis 10ml.
This essence has to do with love and respect for all living things. It was created by combining all six Essentials with each other and has the effect of releasing what is stuck on a deep level in emotions and associated patterns. Micha created this essence because it is no longer possible to physically visit Atlantis, as this realm lies on the seafloor. It was once a Utopia on Earth, where there was no war, hatred or other negative expressions. The population had gone through an inner evolution, so they no longer needed them. By combining the six previously created Essentials, Micha knew he had arrived at Atlantis. He describes the effect this way, “At each stage of your life, you enter a different room, but you will have to order the room before you can open the door to it. Sometimes people can't find that door. With Essential 7 you speed up that process and you can start developing yourself.' Content: 10ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint with alcohol for preservation alcohol percentage 40% v/v
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Seven Essential set
 Essential 7 - Atlantis 10ml. - Seven Essential from Star Remedies is available separately here.